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Winter Olympics - Accelerated Reader Style

The third marking period started earlier this month and I really wanted to encourage my students to read MORE.  I decided to create a competition themed around the Winter Olympics.   It was only two weeks, which ended up being the perfect length.  The goal was to promote independent reading outside of the classroom and encourage the use of the Accelerated Reader program.  I didn't expect them to meet their overall goal; I just wanted them to make progress.  I assigned students into small groups based on their reading level and Accelerated Reader goal.  Then I allowed them to meet, discuss their overall plan, and choose a country.   At the end of the competition, teams were given medals (gold, silver, bronze) based on the highest average of the groups.  The gold team even won a dress down day! GO BRAZIL!   My favorite part?  The MVP of each class (highest goal percentage) was given an inflatable trophy!  Great job to this student who met over 206% of her goal! 8th Gr

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